- Login or Create a Play Football account
- Access the Play Football site: https://registration.playfootball.com.au/
- If you registered last year, then use the same login details to access your account.
- New registration? Follow the steps to create an account.
- Please note that the Play Football system works best when using a PC and Google Chrome rather than your phone.
- Don't know what email address you used or don't have access to this email anymore? Contact the Play Football team on (02) 8880 7983. There is also a help link on their website that goes through to support tickets.
- Register with the club
- Select to register as Woodside Warriors Soccer Club Junior Player Registration (U6-U17). See the link below to take you to the registration product;
If you have played before do not set up a new account as you will lose past player history. There is a search function to search for your name/DOB/FFA ID that is on file.
- Note: There is a separate registration product if you are playing for another Club as well (e.g., Hawks or Mount Barker YPL) please contact the club registrar directly for these details.
- Note: You will need to have a player photo available to upload as part of your registration. This photo is not made publicly available.
- Note: You will also need to nominate a type of identification to present to the club to confirm your identity (i.e. birth certificate, passport, student ID card). The club will need to cite your nominated document to approve your registration. We will organise to do this during initial training sessions.
- Follow each step and answer the questions for the registration. On the first page you need to click and open each set of ‘terms and conditions’’ for them to then be ticked so you can proceed to the next page.
- Registration is completed after you have confirmed your order.
- Full payment is to be made with your credit card online.
- Fees for 2025 for all junior players will be $230 if paid by 22nd of March, early bird rate, and $250 thereafter. This cost includes all annual affiliation fees and player insurance.
- Sports Vouchers can be used for children at primary school up to year 9. If you wish to use the Sports Voucher, then on the payment page near the end of the registration process select 'Woodside Warriors Soccer Club’’ as the “issuer of the voucher” and enter code sportsvoucher before finalising your registration. Please ensure you have completed the relevant questions in the registration form.
Still need help?
The first stop is Football SA. They've got a handy PDF that we've made available on our site. Best refer to that. For any other help contact our Club Registrar, Kimberly Gilmour, on 0412 885 865 or via registrar@wwsc.com.au.
Details coming soon
Contact Bruce Tonkin via 0428 400 013 with any queries.
Details coming soon
Contact Amy Cotton via 0418 203 949 with any queries.